Les Sept Péchés capitaux is a film with sketches Franco-Italian realized in 1951.

Personal comments : Louis de Funès is marked in the credits, he plays the role of a French grouser, he appears :

1 minute and 25 seconds at 36 minutes and 38 seconds after the beginning of the movie

♦ Various sketches and directors :

Sketches are the following ones :

  1. L'Avarice et la colère, realized by Eduardo De Filippo
  2. La Paresse, realized by Jean Dréville
  3. La Luxure, realized by Yves Allégret
  4. La Gourmandise, realized by Carlo Rim
  5. L'Envie, realized by Roberto Rossellini
  6. L'Orgueil, realized by Claude Autant-Lara
  7. Le Huitième péché, realized by Georges Lacombe

♦ Synopsis :

In a fun fair, a leader of play attracts the idlers and famous for them the 7 capital sins :


♦ Specification sheet :

♦ Distribution :

Sketch 1

Sketch 2

Sketch 3

Sketch 4

Sketch 5

Sketch 6

Sketch 7

With :
