Le Diable et les Dix Commandements is a film Franco-Italian with sketches (seven episodes in fact) realized by Julien Duvivier and release in 1962.

Personal comments : Louis de Funès is marked in the credits, he appears 16 minutes and 52 seconds to 1 hour, 34 minutes and 30 seconds after the beginning of the film ; he plays a swindler.

♦ Synopsis :

It is the Devil, in voice off Claude Rich, which comments on all the episodes and is used as red wire.

1er episode : Tu ne jureras point

Jerome Chambard, a pensioner that the chocolate éclairs of Saint-Vincent de Paul collected and who ensures the maintenance of the convent, swears like a carter, with their great fear. Not obtaining any improvement of its share, they decide to separate some. But when the bishop visits them, it recognizes as a Jerome his friend of childhood. It gives him the discharge in condition that this last, in penitence, learns the ten commands. One will find them in the 7e episode, epilogue of film.

2e episode : Tu ne convoiteras point, Luxurieux point ne seras et L'œuvre de chair ne désireras qu'en mariage seulement

Francoise Beaufort misleads her George husband with the rich person Philip Al to be able to obtain a superb collar of price. It dissimulates then its collar among jewels of imagination and the met in a bag which it deposits with the instruction of a station. Then she says to her husband that she found a left-luggage ticket and asks him to go to seek the object. The evening, when it returns in its residence, it finds her best Micheline friend in possession of the famous collar.

3e episode : Tu ne tueras point

The sister of the seminarist Denis Mayeux committed suicide by despair because of a criminal, Garigny, which forced it with prostituer. Denis gives up his wishes to avenge his sister while making stop the criminal. Fearing that Garigny is condemned only to a few months of prison, Denis causes it so that this one assassinates it right before the arrival of the police force and is caught in the act.

4e episode : Un seul Dieu tu adoreras

God arrives in a farm, achieves a false miracle (an old man which simulated the paralysis) and sets out again but it is caught up with by the male nurses of the psychiatric hospital from where he was escaped prisoner.

5e episode : Tes père et mère honoreras et Tu ne mentiras point

The young person Pierre Messager learns that his true mother is not Madeleine, that who raised it, but Clarisse Ardant, a famous actress. Pushed by curiosity, it visits him in the cabin of its theatre. Clarisse, ignoramus who it is, initially takes it for an admiror and plays the charmers ones but when it reveals his identity to him, it acknowledges to him that Marcel Messager is not his true father. Pierre, while returning to his false-truths parents, will redouble affection towards them.

6e episode : Tu ne déroberas point

Marine Didier, cash clerk of a bank, is returned by his owner. Just before it does not leave its counter, a burglar occurs to which Didier leaves dévaliser obligingly the bank. It is arranged then to recover the bag containing the nest egg and to flee with but the burglar catches up with it. They end up agreeing to divide the spoils and open finally the bag but it contains only one sausage and a liter of red. It was exchanged inadvertently with that of a tramp when Didier stopped in a coffee. The tramp, amazed to find a bag full with tickets, will be stopped by the police force.

7e episode : Les dimanches tu garderas

The protagonists of the 1 are founder sketch. Jerome is invited in his friend the bishop for the Sunday lunch. By clink glasses with Jerome, the bishop, completely drunk, does not remember any more of the ten commands.

The sketch “The work of flesh will only wish only in marriage” was crossed to the assembly (See “Around film”)


♦ Specification sheet :


♦ Distribution :

♦ Comments :

Unslung comedy giving the beautiful share to Louis de Funès helped well by the dialogues with liveliness audiardesque (You will not conceal) until with the despair all duvivieresque (You will not kill), them Commands revisited by Julien Duvivier should satisfy all the tastes with their incredible casting. Indeed, (almost) all the stars Frenchwomen of years 1950 and 1960 are there, carrying out impeccably these Commands in their usual register. Michel Simon and Lucien Baroux open and close again film in two sketches jubilant rabelaisiens (You will not swear and Sundays you will keep) while the cold duplicity of Francoise Arnoul is confronted with the frivolity enjouée of Micheline Presle (You will not covet). One still sees there Fernandel climbing the levels by exchanging its exuberant défroque Don Camillo (created by same Duvivier) for that more retained of God straightforwardly more becoming… The sketch more moving is undoubtedly that dedicated to the love subsidiary (or with the very short love). The young person Alain Delon, after having met its évanescente and surface true mom Danielle Darrieux, much emotion gets to us when which it joined, overflowing of love, his false parents where the service of charismatic Madeleine Robinson, as a false mom, should tenderize most insensitive among us (Your father and mother will honour). These Commands, ordered well by Duvivier, circumvent the major difficulty of films with sketches, that of the "effect flipper" and, with final, a coherent unit and an original and successful cinematographic work constitute.

♦ Around the film :